Whether you need a rental car or jeep, or a taxi to meet your arrival or take you to market, you will find what you need here.
The covered pickup truck is a common taxi in Bequia and very practical. You benefit from the cooling breezes as you make your way around the island and are provided with an excellent view to take in the island beauty. Taxi rates are set by the government, it’s always wise to agree on the rate prior to departing. Rates should be quoted in EC dollars but it’s best to clarify this as sometimes rates may be quoted in US dollars, especially for an island tour. Mini Buses (vans) are also available for those wishing a more traditional ride. There are also dollar vans that run set routes at certain times of the day. Check with the Tourism Authority, at the pier in town, for rates and latest information. Taxis can also be contact on VHF Ch 68 for those on yachts.
Take an island tour with one of the taxi drivers waiting your arrival under the trees near the jetty. They will fill you in on all the scenic sites, island history and happenings.
For a trip to the beach a ride in a water taxi can’t be beat for a little local color. Watch your step when you get out! Did you arrive by yacht? Call a water taxi on Ch 68 to deliver you to town and leave the dingy aboard. Let your taxi driver know when you’ll need pick-up and he’ll be there to meet you. You can usually find a water taxi at the dinghy docks along the Belmont walkway or flag one down from the beaches of Lower Bay or Princess Margaret. Many restaurants will also call one for you.
Type | Telephone (784) | |
Challenger Rentals | Suzuki | challengertaxi@yahoo.com | 458-3811 |
D & N Jeep Rentals | Suzuki | 458-3064 or 593-7222 | |
Bequia Jeep Rentals | Suzuki | 458 3760 | |
Sunrise Rentals | Suzuki / Mokes | sunrisebequia@hotmail.com | (784) 593-3631 |
Handy Andy Rentals | Jeeps/motorbikes/bicycles | 458 3722 | |
A&J Jeep Rentals | Suzuki | alvintaxi@hotmail.com | 458.3356 or 593.0516 |
Affordable Jeep Rentals | Suzuki | dk.sons@hotmail.com | 431 8760 |
Hotta Fire Rentals | Suzuki | 455 4682 | |
Lency's Rentals | Suzuki | lencsimmons@hotmail.com | 458 3835 or 455 5818 |
Pike Taxi/Rentals | Suzuki | 458-4443 | |
Phil's Car Rental | Automatics | 458 3304 | 457 3175|
Highrider Taxi/Rentals | Suzuki | jutie@hotmail.com | 532-4088 or 433-4900 |
K & C Jeep Rental | Suzuki | bequiajeeprental@gmail.com | 526-6275 |
TAXIS | Seating | Telephone (+1 784) | |
Challenger I & 2 | 12 | challengertaxi@yahoo.com | 458-3811 |
Noel's Taxi | 12 | noeltaxi@vincysurf.com | 458-3064 or 593-7222 |
Gideon | 12 | gideontaxi@vincysurf.com | 458 3760 |
Jump In I & 2 | 12 | sunrisebequia@hotmail.com | (784) 593-3631 |
Ricky Nichols | 12 | Marise_Leslie@hotmail.com | 458 3400 |
Alvin | 12 | alvintaxi@hotmail.com | 458.3356 or 593.0516 |
Lency | 12 | lencsimmons@hotmail.com | 458 3835 or 455 5818 |
Lubin / The Best Taxi Service | 12 | 784-530-4737; 784-458-3349; 917-519-0123 (United States number) | |
Pike | 12 | 458-4443 | |
Highrider Taxi | 12 | jutie@hotmail.com | 532-4088 or 433-4900 |
Eagle Taxi | 12 | 458-3617 or 593-9639 | |
Hotta Fire (John Taxi) | 12 | 455 4682 | |
There are many other taxi drivers that have not yet supplied their phone #'s or E-mail addresses required for free listing. | |||
* Seating numbers are estimates |